Back! And mulling Beatrix

Hi! Stuff got fixed faster than I believed it would! So, I’m back!

10 weeks and rethinking Beatrix. I’d had the lovely but unexciting Beatrix Violet Jane for a long time. I realised that I didn’t like Beatrix enough with that combo, lovely as it is. I’d been leaving Beatrix off my top 10 for months!

So to make Beatrix a bit more exciting, punchy and “now” I went hunting:
Beatrix Juno, Beatrix Io & Beatrix India all jumped to attention.
Juno is a favorite of mine, Io makes Ken shiver, almost literally. He thinks Io’s beautiful in the spare, clean way he loves.
So I paired both of our loves with my late Mom’s name: Frances.
Beatrix Juno Frances
Beatrix Io Frances

And decided on Grandma’s Lily after Beatrix India.

So the three of them look like this:

Beatrix Juno Frances
Beatrix India Lily
Beatrix Io Frances

Anyone care to pick a favorite? Talk to me so we can talk out the pros & cons of these? I know it’s been quiet here for far too long but… maybe?

As always, many thanks!

Xanthe Redux

I am still crushing on Xanthe. I know, I know, she’s not the most fitting sister for Josephine but I adore Xanthe as much as Josephine. Also, if you crush on a name for more than a year, is it still a crush name? 😀

Either way, I still adore Xanthe and thought to try her out paired with another, longer love: India. I’d much rather India in the middle where her overtones are hidden a bit. Next to Xanthe, India shines for me.

Here are a handful of combos I came up with earlier, what do you think of them?

Xanthe India June
Xanthe India Lenore
Xanthe India Violet (maybe too much color?)
Xanthe India Annabel
Xanthe India Margaret
Xanthe India Rosamund
Xanthe India Gwendolyn

Anything jump out at you?

Just wondering. I’d love to hear thoughts on Xanthe, Xanthe India & the full combos I’ve got. Anyone? 🙂

As always, thanks a million for reading!

The Girls in my Head

After taking a break and trying not to think about names (Ha!), I find these name combos still in my head. Any here that catch your eye?

Ottilie Frances Jane – Tillie still thrills me, and I’m charmed by the thought of Josephine & Ottilie sisters.

Wilhelmina Esme Jane – Yep, Mina is darling. 🙂 Esme & Jane are pretty light and tiny next to weighty Wilhelmina, whose solidity makes me smile.

Araminta Lucy Violet – Again with Mina/Min possibility, I’m enchanted. I also think Josephine & Araminta are pretty stunning sisters.

Cecily Pandora Jane – Remains at the top of my “emminently usable” list. And Cecily is charming, if a bit confusing in my Cec- loaded family (yet Cecily remains unused!).

Clementine India Jane – Yep, Clementine thrills me. Cleo/Clio are possible nicknames but like Josephine, she’d be Clementine most often.

India Mehetabel Jane – India’s short but three syllbles, which makes her sit well with Josephine in my head. The middles, as always, honor.

And still tops after the break: Maud India Scarlett. Yes, India & Scarlett together. I like colors but find them a bit too much, the double ‘t’ makes it more namey, less color-ish for me. And India is one he adores, but I’m not thrilled with “Indy” potential.

Any up there that you prefer over the others? Or just let me know what you think of them. I’d love to hear!

As always, thanks for stopping by, I appreciate it!

Some Newer Stuff

Well, “newer” is figurative. 🙂 I’ve had a few of these names on my lists before, I’m just liking them anew. Since I had so much down time, I worked on combos and came up with a handful that I really like. This is what I do with much of my free time (at least, in my head):


Romilly Allegra Violet
Penelope Violet Jane
India Ottilie Violet
Peregrin Henry Arthur
August James Tiberius
Matilda Esme Violet
Amos Willem Rafferty
Lucius George Pascal
Eulalie Saffron Jane


Romilly is back again, still searching for the perfect middles for India, Eulalie stays on the list despite Elisabeth having a brand new one while Matilda’s firmly on the list now and I’m still searching for the perfect middles for Penelope. Lucius never left, I’m still perfecting him and Amos is slowly replacing Clancy in my head.   Not entirely, but starting to. So here’s a related question for you folks:
Clancy or Amos, which do you like better (or which would you rather see on a real kid)?


So there they are, anything strike you as keepable?  I’d love to hear what you folks think!  As always, thanks a million for stopping by. And, I’m back!  😀

Narrowing India, Helen, Lazarus & Winifred

Yep, really.  We’ve got a few of each we’re both divided upon and need some help choosing the best of each set, whould you oblige? I’d appreciate the extra voice! 


Here’s Helen:

Helen Saffron Adele – His favorite
Helen Ursula Violet – my favorite
Helen Tilley Violet – the not so perfect compromise?


India’s got a longer haul, He went through all the choices we had and narrowed it to 6. I like half of them, He likes the other half!  Here:
India Rosamond Violet   (Anyone see the link here?) ;P
India Ottoline Violet    (Still looking for a home for Ottoline)
India Clementine Jane (Still wondering if I should even have this one, or should it replace Clementine India Jane, which is #3?)
India Mehetabel Jane (Just loving Mehetabel to pieces)
India Scarlett Jane (he likes India & Scarlett together, I want Jane to ground them a bit more)
India Frances Valentina


Lazarus is down to three, His, Mine and a possible compromise:

Lazarus Edward Reuel
Lazarus Arthur James
Lazarus William Wilder

Can you guess which one’s whose favorite?


And last, but not least, Winifred, she’s definitely top 10 material but we’re down to two combos:

the new:
Winifred Lily Jane  -Winifred, Auntie Lily, Grandma, Jane, Mama
Winifred Elinor Plum – again, Auntie, Cousin, Just because we like it.


So, care to pick & choose among these? I’d appreciate it. I’m getting tired of the back & forth!


As always, Thanks a million And again, Thanks for stopping by!  😀


Keep an eye out for Claud a bit later, too!

India & Lazarus

Thinking about these two today. I’m still trying out India in front and Lazarus, well, I’m tired of putting him in the middle, so I’m trying him out in first place too. India’s just so lush and rich to me. I love her color (a nice, dusky red) and the fact that three syllables are packed into 5 little letters. So awesome!

Came up with a handful of each that appeal, Sorry for the long lists but here:

India Frances Camille
India Frances Raphaela
India Frances Valentina
India Rosamond Violet
India Ottoline Violet
India Clementine Jane (But this is a flipped around: Clementine India Jane)
India Mehetabel Jane (probably my favorite one)
India Scarlett Jane

Now Lazarus, as a sound has enthralled me since I was tot, sitting in church listening to the stories. Such a snappy, strong sound. And handsome, too.  What really made it hop into mind though is “Black Snake Moan” yeah, it’s an odd little movie but with Samuel L Jackson and Christina Ricci (I adore her!) , it was worth the shot. And it turned out to be pretty good too. Samuel L Jackson’s character is Lazarus!  It was lovely, hearing Lazarus for about an hour & a half too. So here are my attempts to put Lazarus up front:

Lazarus Edward Reuel
Lazarus Milo Rex
Lazarus Morgan Amadeo
Lazarus Arthur James
Lazarus Rohan Jude (Rohan is a Sanskrit Rowan, to me)
Lazarus Malcolm Rex
Lazarus August Bede
Lazarus Vincent Oliver
Lazarus Claud Taliesin
Lazarus William Wilder

I’m rather taken with simple Claud, too lately. I think he’s pretty spiffy. Solid & handsome. Funnily enough, Claude looks lopsided to me, but Claud is lovely. What do I have against that final ‘e’, I wonder?  But maybe I’ll toy with him another day. Concentrating on Lazarus now.

Does anything from either list jump out at you as pretty good? Or better? Maybe worse? I don’t know. There’s a few of which I like, but I have a definite favorite of the India combos and a definite of the Laz combos too.  Not saying anything more than that, though!  What do you think? I’d love to know!  😀




I think everyone knows I’m completely taken with India at the moment. I have her in two different combos in the middle:

Maud India Scarlett
Clementine India Jane

But am still toying with India possibly up front. What do you think of these possible pairings?

India Callisto Elinor
India Clementine Jane (why not?)
India Frances Elinor
India Elinor Valentine
India Frances Isobel
India Lucy Kathleen
India Mathilda Irene
India Margery Primrose
India Lily Marigold
India Lily Winifred
India Mehetabel Jane
India Lucy Raphaela
India Alice Valentina
India Lily Gwendolen
India Ivy Marguerite
India Esme Lavender
India Violet Mathilde
India Aurelia Violet
India Gwendolyn Adele

Anything there make India a bit more appealing as a first name?  there’s a half dozen up there I’m really digging. I’m finding I really like India with C names, M names and L names next to her (and that’s the only clues you’re going to get for now).   What do you think about India, alone? As a set? Usable? No? Talk to me!  😀


Yes, still loving Cleo. She’s simply velvet on my tongue and sings a sweet contralto coming out of my mouth.
I’ve had Cleo Portia Rupinder as a combo for a few weeks, and while I’m completely enamoured with her, it seems no one else is. So I thought I’d give Cleo a few more shots, see if anything else pops out at anyone. Here are my attempts last night:

Cleo India Apolline
Cleo Frances Matilde
Cleo Laetitia Valentine
Cleo Poppy Mehitabel
Cleo Iris Pandora
Cleo Penelope Iris
Cleo Saffron Isobel
Cleo Esme Genevra
Cleo Junia Eglantine

Yeah, they’re all oddballs. There’s a few up there I like quite a bit but don’t think anything comes close to Cleo Portia Rupinder. Of course, she’s not likely to be used, with Clementine India Maud still in place on the lists. But I keep adding her too because she seems so entrancing, another short, sweet dear. What  do you think, folks? Anything there worth saving?

A Minor Bump with Maud…

Saw a post last night at Nameberry, somebody has daughters named India Scarlett & Ruby Ophelia. I posted giving her ideas for a third, because that’s what she was asking for, and had to mention that my #1 was Maud India Scarlett. It actually freaked me out a little. Would you still consider your combo if you saw that? I mean, I still am but wondering if I should. Probably yes but like I said, it did flip me out a fair bit. I’d never seen those two names together and here’s a lady with a daughter with two thirds of my favorite combo! Ack!

What would you do?

Clementine Redux

Working on the thought I barely recalled: Clementine, nn Cleo. Since I adore Cleo and thoroughly like Clementine I figured I should try out some different combos for her, see if anything really jumps out out me. Wanna see? 😀


Here goes:

Clementine Portia Clotilde – love the lush feel of this one
Clementine Lucy Isobel – feels a bit expected.
Clementine India Maud – ooh, interesting, I love India and well, Maud’s in contention for first place…
Clementine Alice Elinor – very pretty.
Clementine Eos Faye – No one’s going to ‘get” Eos, but she’s so pretty!
Clementine Mina Alice – love Mina and Alice together.
Clementine India Jane – a bit crisper than India Maud.
Clementine Ottilie Echo – Alright, so Echo’s whimsy. It gets two of my favorite names in there with the whimsy.
Clementine Ivy Agatha – Or maybe Agatha Ivy, either way, Agatha grounds both very nicely.
Clementine Sylvie Violet – Loving Sylvie recently and Violet’s gorgeous and honors.
Clementine Jemima Adele – Love, love, love Jemima andAdele feels light & sweet here.
Clementine Esme Viola -terminally elegant!
Clementine Violet Rosalind – maybe too nature-y all around?
Clementine Agatha Violet – utterly charming, Agatha Violet.
Clementine Edwina Violet – I love Edwina, she’s charmingly quaint. Violet honor, again.
Clementine Lily Adele – Lily honors Grandma, Adele is just sweet. (now if I could just get him to stop saying Adele like they do in “Natural Born Killers…)
Clementine Lilias Pearl – Lilias honors Grandma a bit more circularly, Pearl just charms me.
Clementine Viola Odette – still hooked on those Opera names!
Clementine Maud Elinor – My beloved Maud with Honoring Elinor.
Clementine Alice Grey – Still feeling a bit Steampunkish, this suits the mood. And feels sort of buttoned up and respectable at the same time.  


So there you go, along with all my thoughts at the moment. What do you think?  Let me know!


As always, Thanks!

Winifred & Maud

My current infatuations on the girls side. I adore Maud and have for a while. She’s not so much an infatuation as a long term crush. I love her but don’t know how workable she is with the existing kids. Winfred’s a bit less long term. I’ve admired her for years but only recently have been brave enough to actually put her on the list.

I’ve been thinking of combos for Winifred and have pretty much decided on Winfred Esme as a first two. Esme for me honors Great Auntie Esmeralda, whose name I love but find a bit unwieldy with the scottish Mac- surname. So, my options are:
Winifred Esme Ruby
Winifred Esme Frances
Winifred Esme Valentine


 Maud has her combo, Maud India Scarlett. I absolutely love it. She sounds so lush.

I also had the rather Victorian/gothy Maud Coralie Alice for a while but much prefer Maud India Scarlett.

What do you think of Winifred & Maud? Their combos?  Winifred’s my #4, Maud’s my #3 right now.  Am I crazy for thinking of these two?  Tell me! 😀 


As always, Thanks for stopping by and speaking out!

Yet Another Maud Post!

Maud India Scarlett

Is moving up my list, quickly! She started out as a wild card, then way down at #14. But after re-shuffling for Likability, usability and just plain aesthetics, Maud India Scarlett now rests at #5 behind Pomeline Frances Elinor but ahead of Mathilda Esme Primrose.  Not of Earth shattering importance, but a stunner for me. Thought you should know.    😀


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