My “style”?

I am apparently all over the map, style wise. I really looked at my top lists the other day and was struck by the fact that I seem to have at least 2 separate styles. Weird and funky.  here, I’ve grouped them in similar piles:

Group 1
Maud India Scarlett
Ottilie Alice Ghislaine
Zelda Lucy Violet
Edith Zenobia Violet
Lilias Mehetabel June
Sylvie Mimosa Jane
Xanthe Iris Dorothea
Cleo Portia Rupinder
Cecily Pandora Jane



Group 2
Clementine India Jane
Jemima Lucy Maud
Lucretia Ruby Iris
Winifred Elinor Plum
Matilda Frances Ruby
Imogen Violet Jane
Beatrix Violet Jane
Euphemia Elinor Glory
Philippa Saskia Violet
Cecilia Violet Petronel

and those are just the girls!  I can do that to the boys too, to a lesser extent. See:


Rufus Wilder John
Remy Edward Xavier
Cosmo Henry George
Bruno Edward Rafael
Barnaby Edward Rex
Ignatius Edward George
Clarence Arthur Finlay
Caspar James Porfirio
Alasdair Barnaby George


Group 2
Arthur Henry Llewellyn
Oscar Valentin George
Linus Willem Bleys
Harvey Edward Augustin
Francis Henry Porfirio
Edward Balthazar George
Rafael August Anselm


So, do you agree, I’m mildly crazy? or do you see these in different groups?  Which group appeals more to you? Which ones? Anything really jump out at you up there? Let me know! 


And, as always, thanks for stopping by!  😀  

The Girly Wildcards

I have far too many wildcards, those combos I love but not as much as the top ones. Or in some cases, more, but I find them a tiny bit unwieldy for day to day use.


Ideally, I’d have a top 10 and 10 wildcards. Recently I’ve added three names to the wildcard list, bringing the total up to 16 Wildcards. There’s already 11 girls in the top 10 (I know, I know…) so I need to cull these down to three or four at best and am having the hardest time getting rid of any of them!


Ottilie Alice Ghislaine – Tillie, Ottilie, Leeloo, Lina
Susanna Ottilie Pearl – Sukie, Zuzu, Zanna   
Pomeline Frances Elinor – Poppy, Polly, Millie, Molly, Lina

Laetitia Amabel Violet – Lettie, Etta, Lettice
Araminta Lucy Violet – Minna, Mina
Euphemia Elinor Glory – Effie, Mia, Fifi
Elspeth Margery Violet – Elsa, Elsie
Aurelia Romilly Jane – Goldie, Rellie
Mathilda Lucy Elanor – Tillie, Maud, Maudie
Henrietta Ruby Lilias – Hattie, Hettie,  Etta, Harriet
Lucretia Ruby Iris – Lucy, Lulu, Lux
Jemima Frances Ruby – Mimi, Jemma
Zuleika Esme Violet – Zuzu, Zooey
Zenaida Ruby Frances – Zen, Zeni,  Aida, Zinnia, Flower
Florence Lila Ghislaine – Flora, Flory, Fleur, Ren
Romilly Alice Kathleen – Romy, Millie


If pushed, I’d say probably the bolded 4 are the biggest loves but I’m already mourning the loss of 6 others not bolded. If you had to pick 4 from this list to use on a girl, which 4 would you pick and why? See why I’m having problems?   Any help at all would be completely appreciated!  Thanks!


I’ve got two ways to get her. And I really want to get her. It would mean a lot to him. Tilley is “the” family surname for his mom’s side and no one else has used it. We’re the babies of the family here, his sisters are a small bit older (5 -7 years) and my siblings don’t want kids. So if we don’t use it with this last one, somewhere, it’s going to be gone.

I thought about using it as a middle for a boy, but it sounds too feminine for him there. So, spelling changed on a girl.

My choices are Ottilie & Ottoline. I toyed with Matilda, found I preferred Mathilda and then dismissed it altogether as potentially too popular. I mean, I know Matilda, in any form is not on the charts but I’m hearing it a lot and that bothers me.  I heard Josephine a lot after I had her but that didn’t other me, she was already here.  I don’t have Tillie yet (and don’t know if it will be a Tillie). 

 I love Ottoline, I find her charming and I adore her length. I love saying it. I think she looks pretty neat despite the ‘otto’ at the beginning. I actually like the ‘otto’ at the beginning, I don’t find it any different from any other feminised boy name. But I’ve been rethinking Ottilie, since it’s 1) more familiar, 2) what she’s be called the other part of the time she’s not “Tillie” and 3) a bit more feminine sounding.  I’m not entirely sold on that last point, I mean, I don’t mind feminised boy names and generally find those the fluffiest of all girl names, so maybe consider just points 1 & 2.  🙂

Ottilie feels a bit short to me too, which is odd because she’s three syllables just like Ottoline. And I’m not sure I’m sold on the frilly feel of Ottilie. Ottoline is a bit less frilly and a lot more satiny.  I prefer the satin, overall.

I have a solid combo for each:
Ottoline Alice Marigold – which I absolutely love and couldn’t replace if I had to. It’s perfect!


Ottilie Violet Jane – sweet, short, simple. I like it very much but it doesn’t feel as warm and inviting to me as Ottoline & her combo.  And it feels really simple next to her sister’s whole name! The poll for the battle of the Tillie’s is at BtN now, here . Votr of you’re so inclined. Thanks. 🙂


So, can you help me?  Which should I put in my #2 spot, possibly #1?  I know you’re all probably sick & tired of me mentioning these two, but I swear, this is the last waffle with her. I’m completely satisfied with both combos.  Please, help?   Thanks!

Help me out!

I’ve been narrowing down the names I like for my #10 spot. And I’m running a poll at BtN right now to try to see which ones are liked best.


Vote in the poll or scroll down a bit to see the list!




Here’s the 10 in line for #10:

Maud India Scarlett 
Agatha Esme Plum 
Euphemia Elinor Glory 
Araminta Alice Green 
Henrietta Ruby Lilias 
Zuleika Esme Violet
Clementine India Jane
Mathilda Lucy Elanor
Beatrix Poppy Elinor
Elspeth Violet Elinor


 Which would YOU put in my top 10, at #10?  Vote or post! Please? Thanks!

Trying out some Oddballs

I’ve  been swirling these six around again. I like all of them pretty much equally and can only put one of each at #10. Three boys, three girls. Would you be so kind as to help me pick one and tell me why that one, in particular, please? I’d appreciate the help so very much!


Without further ado, the six:

Edward Balthazar George
Roland August Valentin
Harvey Valentin John


Mathilda Esme Primrose
Romilly Alice Kathleen
Maud India Scarlett


The boys truly are equal, I like Edward, Roland & Harvey all and wouldn’t be able to choose just one if my life depended on it! Of the girls, I want to choose Maud, as she’s a family name, where Romilly’s a place where family lives and Primrose is a still living cousin. Maud honors the same G. Grandma Josephine’s middle does. The middles are pretty equally split for honoring/sounding good/having good imagery for me. So please, pick one of each & tell me why!  Thanks!

Now for the Girls

Figured I’d post the top 10 girls, singly and see what folks think.

Cecily – Celie, Cece, Celia
Ottoline  – Tillie, Ottilie
Beatrix – Bea, Bebe, Trixie
Pomeline – Millie, Polly, Poppy, Molly
Maud – Maudie
Mathilda – Tillie, Maudie, Millie
Lucretia – Lucy, Lulu
Jemima – Mimi, Jemma
Henrietta – Hettie, Hattie, Etta, Harriet
Zuleika – Zuzu, Zooey


And if you want to see the rest of the girls (and these in combos), check them out, here .


 Yep, she’s definitely on the list now. Granted she’s in #7 spot right now,  but I have a feeling she’s going to be climbing higher before long. She’s very appealing!  😀

Mathilda’s pronounced the same as Matilda and feels quite a bit more regal to me (I know the precedent runs the other way) and does not make me think of kangaroos. I think I’d call her Tillie (for the family Tilley) or Maudie at least once in a  while. Josephine goes by Josie, Poppy, Fifi, Effie and the full Josephine about equally. Mathilda, Tillie/Maudie works for me!

Mathilda Esme Primrose MacK. Oh yes, I do like her.

The full Girl list looks like this right now:

Cecily Pandora Jane (I’ve been won over to the dark side, I’m in love with Pandora!)
Ottoline Alice Marigold
Eulalie Frances Madelief
Beatrix Flora Ophélie
Pomeline Frances Elinor
Lucretia Ruby Elinor
Mathilda Esme Primrose


Now, I have to admit, Ottoline & Pomeline (rhymey though they may be) are the two that have been on my lsit the longest, close to three years now for both of them. Pomeline hasn’t always been in the top 10 but she’s never left them. Ottoline has drifted between #’s 1 & 2 for that whole time. I think she’s just awesome but am not sure how liveable she is, entirely. I’d’ve loved to have a distinctive name like that as a kid, myself. But how to guage the “need” for that before you see them? I’ve no idea.

And just as an added fun plug:

Has the coolest site for not only some of the loveliest stationery I’ve seen in a good while, they allow you to personalise everything form birth announcements to business cards (and everyhting in between (Kids calling cards? Awesome!)  I like to go there, pick out a buisness card and put my combos on it with the surname. (I must admit, that’s what really sold me on Ottoline Alice Marigold MacK. Stunning. Absolutely stunning written down. And so fun to write out too! )

Which Oddball?

Have got it down to two, actual working possibilities for the wildcard spot. I have one Wildcard, That one that I normally wouldn’t use but find so charming that if circumstances are right, Will be used.  Both first names are loves, middles honor (as usual), Here they are, along with why they are:

Clementine Lily Elinor– I love Cleo/Clio. Ask anyone who knows of my passion for names. I have been insisting I’m a Cleo/Clio/Cleopatra since I was two. The story of “Cleopatra & I”  was one of my Mother’s favorites.  And my loathing of my first name has long been documented by family.  I think Cleo’s aces and would happily rename myself it if I thought everyone would actually stop referring to me as Lola.   I like the fresh feel of Clementine, don’t mind either possible pronunciation and really like the way it looks on paper (yes, paper is still a priority for me) 😉  And well, Clemmie stinks as a nickname, the CLE is rightthere. Haven’t you ever heard someone make a nickname by adding ‘O’? I have, hence Cleo for Clementine! I love it, just  a teensy bit offbeat and the possibility of Cleo? Awesome!

Lily was Grandma. Well, Lilian was, but she was always called Lily/Lil by Grandpa & her sisters. She called me Lily until her death in 1994.  She always said I should have been named for her. So I’m guessing the thought went something like this “They named her Laura, hmm? Not for me? Well, I’m just going to call her Lily and see if they can stop me!” Yep, that was Grandma. A ‘do what she wanted, to He** with everyone else’ person. She was my hero!  😀  (Where’s that cheesy grin smiley when you want one?)

And Elinor is a cousin that died when I was 9. A lovely young lady, always was willing to hang around with us kids. I still miss her and think about her every day.

Mathilda Esme Primrose– Mathilda’s  been a love since I was a kid. 80% of my dolls were Mathilda. I have no clue why I prefer this spelling over the more standard Matilda except to offer Matilda looks lopsided to me and reminds me of kangaroos. Mathilda feels elegant and regal and no hint of kangaroos!  I also like the possibility of Tillie. Tilley is THE family surname and Mathilda, nn Tillie works for that sort of recognition. and rather matches Poppy’s Rosamel in the middle (It was a surname before it was a first name!). And I think Tilley is too nicknamey on it’s own to use in the middle.  Anyone have thoughts towards that end?

Esme is for Esmeralda, Great Grandma’s older sister. She was a real oddball of a lady, smoking cigars and speaking her mind. Great Grandma always spoke of her fondly. Esmeralda died the year before I was born.  Of course, Esmeralda, Great Grandma Rosamel and their sisters were Spanish. Full Spanish. And Esmeralda in full (while if greatly appeals) is just too unwieldy with the Scottish surname I inherited.  I like simple Esme for her elegance and she’s the loveliest shade of plum. 

Primrose is one of those “weird” flower names that’s all over the family tree. We’re apparently great lovers of florals for girls, Eglantine is another possibility. (I love her, but that’s another story). The Primrose in question went by ‘Prose’ as a nickname. I can see why, but wonder “why not simply Rose”?  Anyway, I find her a bit fluffy and not at all serious but I love that touch of whimsy after the regal Mathilda and the lush Esme. So she’s my choice for third here.


I have a poll running at BtN now:  


Feel free to stop by and vote for your preference, but you can also post here, if you so choose. Feel free!


*Update! Mathilda Esme Primrose won the poll 15-11 as of noon today. Generally, a poll won’t get many more votes after it’s slipped onto the second (or further back) page but I must admit, a few more votes won’t bother me. I still love them both but find Mathilda/Tillie/Maudie more practical than Clementine/Cleo/Clio for daily use. And that, right there may be what wins out, in the end.