Rethinking Edith

Yes, again. We’ve been quibbling between Edith Zenobia Violet/Edith Zuleika Violet & Edith Violet Loveday.  In order to assuge some of that squabble, I went digging again, with help and we came up with two alternatives. I’m going to list all 5 and you tell me which one you like best, okay? it’s so much easier to be impartial this way!


Edith Zenobia Violet
Edith Zuleika Violet
Edith Violet Loveday
Edith Portia Isobel
Edith Ottilie Violet

There’s nothing funky, initial wise and the surname’s a three syllable Mac- name that the girls are just about getting tired of using lately. I am so relieved by that! I think Edith is stunning with the surname but we just cannot settle on a pair of middles. Care to help? I’d appreciate it very much! 

As always, thanks for stopping by!  😀 What do you think of the new look?

The Freaks

It’s a bit mean of a title but I mentioned yesterday there’s a handful of names I’d love to use even though they don’t fit with the rest of the kids. Thought I’d toss them out here, see if you agree!

Without further ado, here are the freaks on my name lists:

Leonore (obviously, if Cleo rhymes, this *is* Leo)!



I try to stick these in the middle but I would adore to use any of these up front. Do you think I could get away with any of these, or should I just keep thinking about them as potential middles? What do you think?  😀


As always, thanks a million for stopping by! 


Yes, still loving Cleo. She’s simply velvet on my tongue and sings a sweet contralto coming out of my mouth.
I’ve had Cleo Portia Rupinder as a combo for a few weeks, and while I’m completely enamoured with her, it seems no one else is. So I thought I’d give Cleo a few more shots, see if anything else pops out at anyone. Here are my attempts last night:

Cleo India Apolline
Cleo Frances Matilde
Cleo Laetitia Valentine
Cleo Poppy Mehitabel
Cleo Iris Pandora
Cleo Penelope Iris
Cleo Saffron Isobel
Cleo Esme Genevra
Cleo Junia Eglantine

Yeah, they’re all oddballs. There’s a few up there I like quite a bit but don’t think anything comes close to Cleo Portia Rupinder. Of course, she’s not likely to be used, with Clementine India Maud still in place on the lists. But I keep adding her too because she seems so entrancing, another short, sweet dear. What  do you think, folks? Anything there worth saving?

Clementine Redux

Working on the thought I barely recalled: Clementine, nn Cleo. Since I adore Cleo and thoroughly like Clementine I figured I should try out some different combos for her, see if anything really jumps out out me. Wanna see? 😀


Here goes:

Clementine Portia Clotilde – love the lush feel of this one
Clementine Lucy Isobel – feels a bit expected.
Clementine India Maud – ooh, interesting, I love India and well, Maud’s in contention for first place…
Clementine Alice Elinor – very pretty.
Clementine Eos Faye – No one’s going to ‘get” Eos, but she’s so pretty!
Clementine Mina Alice – love Mina and Alice together.
Clementine India Jane – a bit crisper than India Maud.
Clementine Ottilie Echo – Alright, so Echo’s whimsy. It gets two of my favorite names in there with the whimsy.
Clementine Ivy Agatha – Or maybe Agatha Ivy, either way, Agatha grounds both very nicely.
Clementine Sylvie Violet – Loving Sylvie recently and Violet’s gorgeous and honors.
Clementine Jemima Adele – Love, love, love Jemima andAdele feels light & sweet here.
Clementine Esme Viola -terminally elegant!
Clementine Violet Rosalind – maybe too nature-y all around?
Clementine Agatha Violet – utterly charming, Agatha Violet.
Clementine Edwina Violet – I love Edwina, she’s charmingly quaint. Violet honor, again.
Clementine Lily Adele – Lily honors Grandma, Adele is just sweet. (now if I could just get him to stop saying Adele like they do in “Natural Born Killers…)
Clementine Lilias Pearl – Lilias honors Grandma a bit more circularly, Pearl just charms me.
Clementine Viola Odette – still hooked on those Opera names!
Clementine Maud Elinor – My beloved Maud with Honoring Elinor.
Clementine Alice Grey – Still feeling a bit Steampunkish, this suits the mood. And feels sort of buttoned up and respectable at the same time.  


So there you go, along with all my thoughts at the moment. What do you think?  Let me know!


As always, Thanks!

Cleo/Clio again

It’s down to figuring out which way to spell Cleo/Clio.

Cleo Portia Rupinder or Clio Portia Rupinder?

Yep, Cleo/Clio Portia is staying as is (I love them together!)  and I am completely enamoured of Rupinder here and refuse to consider anything else. 🙂 But which way is more appealing: Cleo or Clio? What do you say?


Alright, I’ve been trying to get people to call *me* Cleo since I was two and have failed miserably. 😀    So I keep coming back to her for another girl. yeah, I’d use Cleopatra for myself, even now but not on a kid, she was too nasty a bint, ruined it. So Cleo it is. (I love Clio, the muse but seeing as how Verity already has a daughter ‘named’ Clio… I feel I should go back to my first love). Still sticking with Cleo Portia; I have a whole bunch of combos to sift through, wanna help? 🙂

Cleo Portia Clementine
Cleo Portia Matilde
Cleo Portia Delphine
Cleo Portia Rupinder
Cleo Portia Melisande
Cleo Portia Rosamund
Cleo Portia Katharine
Cleo Portia Valentina
Cleo Portia Bluebell
Cleo Portia Clotilde


My favorites are Cleo Portia Clementine. Cleo Portia Matilde, Cleo Portia Rupinder (yes, still trying to fit her somewhere, I think here is Perfect!), Cleo Portia Rosamund & Cleo Portia Katharine (Katharine might balance Cleo & Portia a fair bit).  But couldn’t pick one if my life depended on it. (well, maybe Cleo Portia Rupinder).

Any help at all would be greatly appreciated!


Thanks! 😀