Much Maligned Lettice…

I adore Lettice. No, not the green, leafy veggie (although I like it well enough), Lettice is the medieval variant of Laetitia/Letitia/Leticia. Lettice Knowles is where I first found her and while she’s not the best namesake, I do so love her name!

I even found a combo I’m incredibly pleased with: Lettice Coralie Jane. I know Lettice Coraline Jane flows better, but I’m really not thrilled with Coraline. But Coralie makes me sing. So Lettice Coralie Jane stays as is. I think it’s *so*8 perfect. Lettie is a love. I’ve tried Laetitia out before, as well as Leticia & Letitia. The whole *tit* thing bugs me in two versions and Leticia feels too Spanish to be comfortable for me. So again, Lettice appeals most.

I really don’t see the problem with the similarity to the veggie, I mean, other kids are given outright vegetable/fruit names (Hello: Apple)
So why pick on the green one? And if she’s Lettie 99% of the time, where’s the problem? I swear, if there ever another girl, the two going with me are Maud India Scarlett & Lettice Coralie Jane.

And as a small note: The girl informed me that her girls will be Violet & Lily yesterday. 😀