Rethinking a few things

Zelda & Eulalie mainly. Trying out a few new thoughts, even though I’m feeling singularly uninspired today. Here, tell me what you think of these:

Zelda Elinor Grey
Zelda Iris Grey
Zelda Saskia Jane

Anyone have any other ideas for Zelda?


And Eulalie. I am really liking her sound these days and though I like Eulalie Frances Madelief, I’m looking for something with a but more oomph (and a little less weird for the second middle), So keeping Eulalie Frances, here’s the few my brain has come up with:
Eulalie Frances Esmée
Eulalie Frances Pearl (not sure how I feel about Pearl, exactly but it works here)
Eulalie Frances Violet /Eulalie Violet Frances/ odd thought: Eulalie Alice Grey?
Eulalie Frances Vianne
Eulalie Ivy Frances/Eulalie Frances Ivy
And one that just catches my fancy despite it being as odd as Madelief: Eulalie Frances Petronella.


and no, I don’t know what the fascination is with Grey these days.

 So, is there anyone out there who can help me, maybe kick me out of this funk I’ve been in all day? I’d appreciate it, very much.