August, Miles & Felix

 Three guys today, duh. 😉  August,  Miles & Felix.  August is a relative newcomer to my lists. He’s been on less than a year but I really think he’s a keeper. August is strong, manly and honors my Mother, born in August without resorting to using the name she forbade me from using. And he’s pure sunshine to me, colorwise, that blinding yellow-white of the sun.

Miles, on the other hand, honors no one. I just like his feel and his look. His sound is rather crystalline too, sharp. If Josephine had been born with boy parts, Miles Xavier George/James she would have been. I’ve found better homes from Xavier (Remus Edward Xavier) and George (Alasdair Barnaby George) but am still rather smitten with Miles, even after nearly 5 years. Miles is a deep grass green to me, he’s another green M.

And Felix, which slides on & off my lists every few weeks for the last two years. I think he’s great. Stylish, sweet, and dashingly handsome. I have a poll going with Felix combos because we made a list of a bunch that appealed to us and now we can’t whittle them down to the one we like best. A poll always helps, whether I agree with the results or not. 🙂 Felix is eggplant colored. Deep purple brown, really neat to look at for me.

 The combos for August & Miles:

August Edward Valentine
Miles George Porfirio

If you’re not inclined to follow the link, here’s Felix:

Felix Edward Finnian
Felix Edward Rohan
Felix Arthur Jolyon
Felix Edward Alasdair
Felix Edward Anselm
Felix Arthur Grey
Felix Barnaby Edward
Felix Edward Bede


I’ve bolded the ones we seem to gravitate back towards in discussion, but again, there’s no hope of narrowing just yet.

Feel free to tell me what you think and as always, thanks for stopping by, Company’s always welcome!