Now for the non-Family Girls!

We have a rule: if the first name doesn’t honor, middles must. We’ve stuck by that here, so you know. All middles have meaning to us. Huzzah! Onto the non-family girls:

Ottilie: Could say it honors cousin Otto, but won’t. I love her delicate look & sound and the potential Tillie thrills Him! Also Lettie potential for me. Fabulous combo: Ottilie India Violet (India, cousin, Violet, Aunt).

Penelope: The ‘newcomer’ to the list. Love her galloping sound. Nn Poppy, Penny or Nell in order. Combo: Penelope Juno Alice (Juno for Him, Alice for Mom, who wanted ‘me’ to be Alice!)

Clementine: I have loved Cleo forever (41 years!) and this is how I choose to get it). Clea is the other nn. Clementine is cheery and sweet and I love the pure Britishness of her combo: Clementine India Jane. (Cousin & Mom’s middle). *squee*! šŸ˜€

Philippa: I could say this honors Mom by way of Philip (which was her top pick for my brother), but won’t. šŸ™‚ I love her galloping rhythm too. So pretty! Combo: Philippa Guinevere Alice. Guinevere honors several sweet Jennifers in ther family, Alice for Mom, again.

Beatrix: This is my love, Trixie she’d be, no doubt! I devoured Trixie Belden as a kid and have never stopped loving Trixie. Her combo thrills us both: Beatrix Juno Frances. Juno because He loves those goddess names (Io was our other choice for a middle), Frances *was* Mom.

Jemima: sweet, soft & beautiful. Jemima makes me happy. Her combo: Jemima Lucy Frances. Lucy was what Mom called me for 18 years, Frances, was Mom. I think she’d approve!

Susanna: Could say this honors me L.E.Susanne… but wont. šŸ˜€ I’m not thrilled with Susanna, the ‘anna’ gives me fits! Nicknames potentially, Zanna, Zuzu & Lily. But her combo thrills: Susanna Calliope Frances. Calliope is another of those Mythology names for Him, Frances is Mom.

Even my brother would approve of these! So there they are, all neatly set out. What do you think of these lovlies?

And, as always, Thanks for reading!

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