Elspeth redux

I’ve been loving Elspeth, nn Elsie forever, it seems. I’d thought Elspeth Scarlett Jane was pretty perfect. Sweet, lovely Elspeth, spunky Scarlett, refined Jane. But the more I said it, the more I thought ‘I can do better’.
So I went digging and found a few that appealled a bit:
Elspeth Juno Violet
Elspeth Guinevere June

and then I stumbled upon perfection:
Elspeth Iris Guinevere.

Irises were my Grandmother’s favorite flower. She had them all around the house. When I was 11, Grandpa died and Grandma moved. Before she did, I asked her for some Iris bulbs from the yard. I got a dozen. And I brought them with me when we moved north. I now have a hundred purple Irises ’round the yellow house! It looks so lovely in the Spring.

Granted,*if* this one’s a girl, (or a boy), it’ll be born in early November. Irises aren’t around then but the thought is still nice. 🙂

Guinevere charms Him,who’d rather Guinevere/Gwen up front/. She’s too much for me in front, but I can handle her as a middle. Hence Elspeth Iris Guinevere.

What do you think? I’d love to hear any thoughts.

And, as always, thanks for stopping in and reading!