
I love Anselm. Merry Anselm. 🙂 Anselm is sleek, debonair and charming. And what a great history he’s got. Read up on Anselm of Canterbury, I won’t bore you here. Suffice to say, he was one of the few dissenters of the Crusades! It takes a strong soul to stand up and disagree (Photoquilty, I’m thinking of you as I write this!) and I admire them, one & all. For a long time it was death to oppose the masses, and those few that dared then, have my utmost regard. Wow!

Anyway, Back to Anselm. I’ve gone into the “family patron saint” thing before and it’s funny that we do this, like my Mother & Grandmother before me, only neither of us are Catholics, where they were (go back to the great, great, greats and you find the Jews in the family)! Anselm charms me to my toes. Not like Rufus, Remy, Bruno or Cosmo do, no, but close.

He’s nearly impossible to pair though. I’ve been working on pairing him for two days and nothing has jumped out at me yet. Now, I know he’s kind of odd to a lot of people but I don’t think he should be. I mean, he’s one letter off of Ansel, and everyone seems to know that one, why is Anselm unusable yet Ansel is?

Here’s the few beginnings that had promise for me:
Anselm Constantine
Anselm Finnian
Anselm Valentin
Anselm Isidore
Anselm Porfirio
Anselm Erasmus

And that’s all I’ve got so far. Anyone have anything else that might mesh with Anselm? I mean, I’ll be spending time tonight thinking of more but I’d love to see what you brilliant folks come up with for me! 😛

What do you think, so far? Is Anselm going to get weird reactions from people or is he really no weirder than Byron (which is what I think)? I think Anselm’s pretty spiffy, actually. And I warn you now, expect to see more of him in the near future!